Brick lining indonesia, perusahaan brick lining, refractory indonesia, hafila daya utama, perusahaan refractory di indonesia, jasa refractory indonesia, proyek refractory indonesia

refractory brick Installation

Installation brick is a monolithic refractory material which is formed into a shape where the brick shape is arranged like puzzle to form a rigid construction. Where the construction of the constructed shape brick is heat resistant, abrasion, thermal pressure, and chemical infiltration, so that the installation has strength. The installation process is carried out under strict control for the quality installation.

Brick lining indonesia, perusahaan brick lining, refractory indonesia, hafila daya utama, perusahaan refractory di indonesia, jasa refractory indonesia, proyek refractory indonesia

Insulation Thermal Jacketing

Insulation Thermal is a method used to reduce the flow of heat transfer .Heat can be transferred by conduction, convection and radiation. Heat transfer can be controlled by a thermal insulation process depending on the insulation properties and the type of insulation material. The name of material for reduced heat transfer is insulator. So, Insulator can be reduce heat transfer. To protect the thermal insulator layer from exposure to rainwater or other, it’s must be covering by metal sheet. It’s called jacketing. The installation process is carried out under strict control for the quality installation.

Brick lining indonesia, perusahaan brick lining, refractory indonesia, hafila daya utama, perusahaan refractory di indonesia, jasa refractory indonesia, proyek refractory indonesia

Refractory Monolithic Installation.

Refractory Monolithic Installation is other name as Refractory Un-shape installation. There is a classification Refractory Monolithic as follows, Conversional Castable (CC), Low Cement Castable (LCC) , Ultra Low Cement Castable (ULCC) and Non-Conversional Castable. Read more..

Brick lining indonesia, perusahaan brick lining, refractory indonesia, hafila daya utama, perusahaan refractory di indonesia, jasa refractory indonesia, proyek refractory indonesia


Tools consisting of pipes of a certain thickness and clam (Fixed clam /Swivel clam) and Steel plank. These three item tool are assembled in a construction structure so that the work position at a height can be reached safely.

Brick lining indonesia, perusahaan brick lining, refractory indonesia, hafila daya utama, perusahaan refractory di indonesia, jasa refractory indonesia, proyek refractory indonesia

Build Up

Build Up for the tube/pipe that has Scratched the outer surface with the aim of restoring condition of the tube/pipe to its original state.